I’m back from Left Coast Crime 2016, the Great Cactus Caper, which was held last weekend in Phoenix. The LCC Conference moves around the west coast of the United States (and one year on the west coast of Great Britain!), so I was very happy to only have to travel up the freeway to attend. Next year the conference will be in Hawaii, which is great if you can afford to get there! Before the pictures, I do want to urge you to check out this month’s recipe, my mother’s delectable fruit cocktail cake. This is Casey family legend.
I was one of the panelists discussing fiction set in the early 20th Century. We had a great crowd and a lively discussion. That’s me in the red. I didn’t get the memo about the black panelists’ uniform that day.
My publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, hosted a breakfast on Saturday. There were 22 Poisoned Pen authors there from all over the country, and each of us hosted a table, where we all gave away swag (I did recipe cards) and a hardback copy of one of our books! JoAnne and Kim dropped by to say hello.
This is toward the end of the day on Saturday, when everyone was blatheringly tired after being witty for the panels. Tina is a fellow PPP author.
We PPP authors took the opportunity to gather between events and meet Raj, (back to camera in blue shirt), who is going to make us all experts in internet promotions. That’s me in the red, next to Betty Webb’s hair, Priscilla Royal (green jacket), Tina Whittle, Charlotte Hinger (grey sweater), Warren Easley (man), Clea Simon’s red hair, Zoe Burke (looking down) Eileen Brady (blue jacket), Mary Anna Evans (black jacket), and one of our editors, Annette Rogers. I’m not sure whose ankle is on the right.
And last but not lease, this is from just before the opening ceremony, with Clea Simon, Rhys Bowen, and me. I wanted you to see that I did wear another outfit. Rhys won a Left Award the next day, BTW, for her fabulous historical mystery, Malice at the Palace.
And now, on to the Tucson Festival of Books, March 12 and 13. I’ll be teaching a class on writing the historical mystery. Check out my schedule on the Events page. I’ll see you there.
March 3rd, 2016
Am looking forward to your next book. Wondered if “Al Men Fear Me” will be out in an audio version? I’ve been looking for it since the book was published.
March 3rd, 2016
Doris, there will be an audio version, but I don’t have any say about when. I have seen my books come out on audio almost as soon as they are published, but sometimes it takes 6 to eight months. I’ll try to remember to post it as soon as I know when it will be. Thanks for asking.