Teaching a class for Tempe Writer in Residence Program–with all my heart! Thanks to Pamela Murrin for the photo
JULY 25 EDIT: I’m sorry to report that I am going to have to cancel my trip to Oklahoma (below) due to the fact that my husband Don broke his arm on July 24. It’s a long story, but if you’d like the details, I provide them on my July 26 Type M 4 Murder entry here. The lovely Mary Anna Evans will still appear, so please still go! She’s wonderful. Check out all the details here
The temperature reached 115º day before yesterday (July 5). It’s only supposed to be 111º today. Ick. I don’t know why our hot summers here always surprise me. I’ve lived in the Phoenix area Valley of the Sun for over 30 years, so you’d think I’d know what to expect by now. It’s the price we pay for our heavenly winters. It’s a pretty hefty price, I must say.
I’ve spent the past two months working as Writer in Residence at Tempe Public Library, and it’s been a valuable and enlightening experience for me. I only have about three weeks left, and every consultation appointment between now and the end of July is filled. I’ve consulted with so many interesting authors, aspiring and otherwise, and am excited to see that there is so much talent out there just waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Someday I’ll be able to say, “I knew her/him when!”
I’ll be teaching two more classes before my tenure is up–a class on Memoir and Autobiography on Saturday, July 14 | 10:00 a.m. – Noon, where we will talk about powerful and effective ways to tell our own stories by speaking truthfully and personally about our lives, and on Saturday, July 28 | 10:00 a.m. – Noon, a class on how to go about getting published in today’s market. These classes are free and open to everyone, so if you’re in my neck of the woods and are interested in telling your own story, I hope you’ll drop by. Here is the link to the Tempe Public Library site where you can sign up for consultations (if one opens up) and see all the information about the classes: http://bit.ly/tplwir
And then, my friends, I’m heading back to the motherland for a short visit. On August 2 at noon, the talented and lovely Mary Anna Evans and I will be visiting Woodward Public Library in Woodward Oklahoma, followed by a visit to Watonga Public Library in Watonga Oklahoma at 1:00 on August 3, to talk about our books and our writing lives. All you readers who live in Western Oklahoma, I’ll be looking for you, because I don’t get back to my homeland that often!
After I return to Arizona, I plan to spend August sequestered away working on the new book and praying that it will turn out on the page to be as much fun as it is in my head.
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