It’s April at last, Dear Readers, which for some is a great relief after a long, cold winter. And what a horrible winter it has been for many. Those in the far West are flooded out and/or buried in snow. In the South and in my home region of tornado alley it’s the beginning of storm season, and I’m heartbroken that it has started out to be a deadly one. Here in Arizona, winter was incredibly cool and rainy, much more so than usual. Now we have wildflowers galore and weeds up to your knees, Very lush and beautiful, but I can hardly go outside without an allergy attack accompanied by swollen eyes and a sinus headache that makes me want to go back to bed. Not to mention, it won’t be long until the heat ramps up. The temp is forecast to be 80ºF today, and reach 90º in ten days or so. This is the desert, after all. I don’t look forward to that.
It is beautiful around here, though.

I had an active March. I actually went to a conference, Left Coast Crime, which was in Tucson this year, about 90 miles from where I live, so I couldn’t pass it up. It was wonderful to see fellow mystery writers in person again, and apparently my many vaccinations did the job, because I didn’t get sick with anything after four days of hobnobbing!
Be sure to check back here on April 20 for this month’s Tell Me Your Story guest, Will Thomas, the author of the wildly popular hard-boiled historical Barker/Llewelyn novels, which are set in the 1880s and often feature historical events, people, and movements. This is one of my favorite historical series, not least because Will is something of an expert Holmesian, and his historical accuracy is spot on. Besides, he lives in Tulsa, my home town.
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