Is it September already? Autumn can’t come soon enough for me. Here in the Phoenix area the temperatures bounce back and forth between the high 90s and the 110s, which means fall will be here eventually and we might even get more rain. We did have a big storm here a few days ago, with quite a bit of wind damage around the metro area. My house was spared, knock on wood.

Many of my writer friends just got home from attending the biggest mystery writers’ conference in the U.S., Bouchercon, which took place in San Diego this year. I didn’t go, since I have no new book out, but I greatly enjoyed seeing the photos everyone posted. If I had money to spare, I’d attend all the writers’ conferences just to rub elbows with the great authors that attend these things.
The prestigious Anthony awards are given at Bouchercon every year, and I was so pleased with this year’s winners:
Non-Fiction: THE LIFE OF CRIME by Martin Edwards
Short Story: “Beauty and the Beyotch” by Barb Goffman
Best Short Story Anthology: CRIME HITS HOME, edited by SJ Rozan
Best YA/Childrens: ENOLA HOLMES by Nancy Springer
Best Debut: THE MAID by Nita Prose
Best Historical: ANYWHERE YOU RUN by Wanda Morris
Best Humorous: SCOT IN A TRAP by Catriona McPherson
Best Paperback, E-book, Audiobook Origional: THE QUARRY GIRLS by Jess Lourey
Best Hardcover: LIKE A SISTER by Kellye Garrett
All richly deserving, but I especially enjoyed seeing Martin Edwards’ name. Can’t go wrong with Catriona, either.
Next year’s Bouchercon conference will be held in Washington D.C. That ought to be interesting. If I get lucky and finish my MS, I’ll try to be there.
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