What day is it? Tuesday? I meant to post this report yesterday. And yesterday I meant to post this the day before that. That’s the way it’s been lately. I have the energy of a slug. I blame it on allergies. Yes, that must be what it is.
As I mentioned in my last post, May 5 was the first annual CozyCon, sponsored by Poisoned Pen Bookstore and Phoenix Public Library. It was spectacular.
Here we are: me, Rebecca Hale, Carolyn Hart, Jen McKinlay (tall), Barbara Peters (red), Jane Cleland, Avery Aames (black dress), Hannah Dennison (in the back), Earlene Fowler, Kate Carlisle on the end. The event ran from 10:00 a.m until 4:00 p.m., with a general session followed by author panels. I picked Hannah up at the airport early Saturday and we spent an hour together at Starbucks before going to the library, which was worth the price of admission all by itself. After the event Carolyn, Earlene Fowler,and I spent a lovely evening having dinner at Barbara’s. (Homemade by her husband Rob Rosenwald, who in addition to being my publisher, is a gourmet cook) I love those people, and it was a great treat to feel so authorly again. I’d go into more detail about the event, but there is no way I could do it as well as Lesa Holstine did on her blog, Lesa’s Book Critiques. Check it out. She has posted lots of pictures, as well.
The latest husband news: Don has been doing much better just in the last three weeks. We just saw the surgeon on May 2 and he gave us the thumbs up for surgery. Don weighed 136 pounds – up almost ten pounds from 3 weeks ago! Reversal surgery is set for May 29 at 7:30 in the freakin’ a.m. Don will be in the hospital about a week. He has a couple of pre-op appointments with GP and cardiologist beforehand, but otherwise he’s good to go. We saw the the oncologist on the first. The PET scan Don had last week showed no cancer anywhere in his body but a couple of funny little spots to the around his ileostomy. They don’t know what it is, but it could be anything from inflammation to more cancer. The surgeon said whatever it is won’t interfere with the reversal. So – here we go again. He’ll have a couple months of recovery, but if all goes as planned, this will be the last surgery for a while and it will be nothing but improvement from that point on.
Fingers crossed.
And last but not least, The Wrong Hill to Die On has been accepted and is on the publisher’s schedule for release in October 2012.
I’ll leave you with one more picture of my dear Hannah and dear Earlene, just for the smiles.
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