I finished 2019 with a book tour to Oklahoma, where my husband and I spent two weeks on the road, driving to OK from AZ in a leisurely manner, since we’re not spring chickens any more and tend to do everything in a leisurely manner. The tour was brief but wonderful. I had nice crowds at all my talks, especially since I’m related to half the state and most of them showed up!

Don and I (here at Magic City Books, in Tulsa) were a bit bemused by the cold weather. I was pleased that we had sunshine all the way, but the temperatures were hard to take for people who have lived in southern Arizona for the past 35 years.
The Wrong Girl, the first installment of my Adventures Of Bianca Dangereuse series, set in 1920s Hollywood, is perking right along. The first rush of appearances is done, but I still have events coming up and will for several months. On January 18 at 10:00 a.m., I’ll be doing my Bianca slide show “A Whole New World – Writing Hollywood in the 1920s” at Tempe Public Library (Details here) , and on January 14, you can hear me on
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Happy New Year to All, and may it be a wonderful year for you.
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