In case you missed my live interview on on the Joy on Paper syndicated radio program on writing and how my series about 1920s Hollywood come about, the short interview has been archived (this month’s feature) and you can now listen at your leisure! I have another podcast interview coming up on Feb 18 at It Was a Dark and Stormy Book Club, which I hope you’ll listen to live (and check out my more-than-a-hint of accent), though I’ll let you know when it’s archived. Back in November, I had a wonderful interview at Biblio Happy Hour. It seems my cheerful voice is all over the literary air waves lately.
I’m going to Left Coast Crime – one of the premier mystery author/reader conferences, this year in San Diego, March 12-15. I don’t get to go to too many conferences, so I’m crossing my fingers that everybody stays healthy and nothing weird happens at the last minute, which has been known to happen.
Here is the link for the Left Coast Crime panels. So many wonderful authors will be be there. I’ll be on a panel called Hooray for Hollywood: Tinsel Town as a setting, Friday March 13 at 4:00 p.m. along with Kellye Garrett, Sherri Leigh-James, and Phoef Sutton.
What is the Page 69 Test? It’s a test to see if page 69 of your novel is representative of the rest of the book. Marshall Zeringue posted my page 69 test – and guess what? Yes, page 69 is an important turning point for the main character in The Wrong Girl, my mystery set in 1920s Hollywood. Read my page 69 test here – and read the actual page 69 as a bonus.
Which by the way, you can always read the first few pages of any of my books by clicking on the “About this book” icon or the cover image to the left.
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