Hello my Dear Readers. 2022 is starting off rather strangely for me. But considering how the past two years have been, what else can one expect?
I’ve been having killer headaches over the past few weeks that have kept me from my computer, so I apologize for not having come up with a January giveaway yet. I believe the headaches are sinus related, but I am checking it out with my doctor on January 7, and we hope all will be resolved in short order. In the meantime, I’ll carry on as best I can and fill your on this month’s doings ASAP.
One exciting thing to look forward to is my “Tell Me Your Story” guest on January 20 is the wonderful Mary Miley, whose latest 1920’s Chicago-set mystery, Spirits and Smoke, was one of my favorite books of 2021.
See you soon, and until then, keep reading.
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