First of all, Congratulations to Rina and Marilyn, winners of this month’s drawing for a paperback copy of The Wrong Hill To Die On, an Alafair Tucker Mystery. I hold a drawing for a free book once a month, usually one of my own titles, but not always, so keep an eye out and enter as often as you wish.

I actually have a few things going on in May. On May 20, on this very site, don’t miss this month’s Tell Me Your Story, the series in which I invite successful authors to share their life experiences and how those experiences have influenced their writing. My guest for May is historian/mystery writer Charlotte Hinger, author of the Lottie Albright Mysteries, and 2021 inductee into the Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame. Her latest novel, The Healer’s Daughter, set in the first all-black settlement in Kansas, tells the tale of Bethany Herbert—young, newly freed, and very skilled at healing— who joins a group of other freed slaves who have been promised a veritable paradise in Kansas. The Healer’s Daughter received a Kansas Notable Book Award, was a finalist for the High Plains Book Award, and WON the Will Rogers Silver Medallion. Charlotte says, “I’m not even close to reconciling or understanding why I simultaneously want to write fiction and non-fiction. I don’t care anymore. It’s one of my many unresolved conflicts.”
And then, on Saturday May 21, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, I am presenting a free virtual writing workshop entitled Dialog, Dialect, and Voice – How to Make Your Characters Ring True
The way a person speaks can tell you much about him. Listening to his speech can tell you where he comes from, his background, family life, education, desires, wishes, prejudices, attitude, even his worldview. Just like it is one of the best ways to learn about anyone you meet, natural and well-crafted dialog is one of the best ways to learn about characters, both for the reader and for the author. I will share examples and techniques for revealing character through dialog, as well as ways to find your authentic voice to set the entire tone of your novel or story. This on-line workshop is sponsored by Tempe Public Library. QUESTIONS? 480-350-5500 REGISTRATION: This is an online workshop; Please go to to register and receive the URL.
If you love writing, I hope to see you there!
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