Welcome to December, my friends. For those of you looking for the December giveaway, I had a special giveaway in mind, but I haven’t yet been able to work out the details. If I can’t get it figured out in a couple of days, I’ll proceed with my usual monthly drawing for one of my Alafair Tucker titles on Dec. 11. Keep your eye on this spot or on my Facebook page for details.

December is a special month for the Casey clan. Today (Dec 6) would be my mother’s 94th birthday, Dec. 7 is my sister Carol’s birthday (I won’t say which), the 8th was my maternal grandfather’s birthday, the 16th my parents’ wedding anniversary (and the day we always bought our Christmas tree when I was a kid), the 25th is Christmas, of course, and the 29th is my birthday. Interestingly, my husband Don was one of 7 kids, and of the 6 who grew up, there are two who married people with December 29th birthdays and one who’s son married a Dec.29 baby. I don’t know what that means, but it surely means something.
Wish me giveaway luck, and in the meantime, have a lovely Hannukka!
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