Naomi Hirahara, Myself, Kate Mathis, moderator Patti O’Brien. The Reluctant Detectives Panel at TFoB
The Tucson Festival of Books was amazing, as usual. Don and I went down early on Saturday morning, March 9, and didn’t stop going until Sunday evening. I did a little emergency panel moderation when the scheduled moderator got diverted to Portland Oregon, did several book signings, went out to dinner with several members of the Clues Unlimited family and author John Verdon and his wife Naomi, gave a workshop on everything you wanted to know about writing a Historical Mystery novel, and ended the weekend by participating on a panel about reluctant with Kate Mathis and Naomi Hirahara. Am I more famous for the exposure than I was before I went? Who knows. I was one little bush among a forest of mighty oaks. But it was fun, anyway.
Bunch of stuff coming up this spring. On March 28 at 1:00 I’ll be speaking at the Wickenburg Public Library, then on April 5 I’ll be at Desert Foothills Library in Cave Creek, AZ, for their Writer’s Connection Program. If you’re interested in writing and getting published, that program is for you.
And here’s something interesting: On April 18, I’ll be doing a Skype talk with the Adult Book Club at the Coalgate Public Library in Coalgate, OK. I am quite looking forward to talking with readers from the Home Country. I’ll let you know how that goes. If your book club would like to talk to an author face-to-face, Skyping sounds like a great idea to me. You don’t even have to reimburse their milage!
And I’m ending the season with a trip to Bethesda, MD, to attend my first Malice Domestic conference on May 3-5. Malice Domestic is the annual conference of Sisters in Crime, which is a 3600 member group offering networking, advice and support to mystery authors. The group consists of authors, readers, publishers, agents, booksellers and librarians bound by their affection for the mystery genre and their support of women who write mysteries. Sisters in Crime was founded by Sara Paretsky and a group of women at the 1986 Bouchercon in Baltimore. The mission of Sisters in Crime is to promote the professional development and advancement of women crime writers to achieve equality in the industry. This year Sisters in Crime is honoring my friend Carolyn Hart with the Amelia Award for contributions to the mystery community.
And believe me, no one has contributed more to the mystery community than Carolyn Hart.
And last but absolutely not least, I’m going to be participating in a Literary Salon with Elizabeth Gunn, Susan Cummins Miller, and Judith Starkson on April 27 at 5:30 in Awatukee, Arizona. If you’d like to join us for an informal, guided conversation, books to buy, good food and wine, please RSVP: judithstarkston@gmail.com
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