First of all, let me congratulate Charity, the winner of the April giveaway of a copy of the 6-CD audiobook of Valentino Will Die!
Second of all, don’t miss my April 20 Tell Me Your Story guest, Betty Webb, author of … gosh, must be twenty books by now, all of them wonderfully entertaining. As is Betty herself. You would have plenty of stories to tell if you grew up in Betty’s (let’s call them) colorful family.

For the past several years I’ve been reviewing mystery novels for Publishers Weekly, which is one of the premiere industry magazines and used by libraries and bookstores all over Northa America as a guide to acquiring good books for their collections. Every once in a while, I’m asked to interview one of the mystery authors I particularly like for a feature, which I did for a the latest issue of PW when I interviewed Claudia Gray, who is a very popular sci-fi and fantasy author, whose new release is a complete departure for her. If you’ve ever wondered what happened to Jane Austen’s beloved characters after they lived happily ever after, Claudia lets you know in the most delightful fashion – AND takes care of the rotten Mr. Wickham at the same time – in The Murder of Mr. Wickham.
Click here to have a look at the article.
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